Vision Service Award
The highest award outside the profession given by the Kansas Optometric Association is the Vision Service Award. This award is given to individuals or groups who have performed during the past year or over a period of years a service which contributes to the enhancement of the visual welfare of the public. Recipients of this award are selected by the KOA Board of Directors. Members are encouraged to nominate individuals or groups in their community who meet the criteria outlined below. The deadline for submission is January 1 of each year.
- 2018 Debbie Collins
- 2017 Steve Sutherlin
- 2016 Gary Robbins, CAE
- 2015 Lois Churchill
- 2014 Abilene School District
- 2013 Anne Nielsen, Ph.D.
- 2012 Dale Dennis
- 2011 Thomas Lemon
- 2010 Dr. Ernest Kovarik
- 2007 Susan Krumm
- 2006 Sally Cauble
- 2005 Congressman Jerry Moran
- 2004 Dr. Donald Kuehn
Dr. Dale Cole - 2003 Kansas Foundation for Vision Awareness
- 2002 George Blevins
- 2001 Dr. William Hefner
- 2000 Elaine Schmidt, CPC
- 1998 Rep. Melvin Neufeld
- 1997 Carmen Chirveno, Ph.D. Angela Schieferecke, Ph.D.
- 1996 Lt. Governor Sheila Frahm
- 1995 VOSH
- 1994 Mr. Bud Bargman
- 1993 Dr. Arthur Queen
- 1992 Dr. William D. Vietti
- 1991 Mrs. Barbara Bettis
- 1990 Lt. Gov. Jack Walker
- 1988 Kansas Lions Sight Foundation
- 1987 Duffens Optical Hawkins Optical
Herring Optical
Langley Optical
Singleton-Joyce Optical
Sutherlin Optical - 1986 Kay Goodnight - United Methodist Urban Ministries
Lt. Colonel Clarence Harvey - Salvation Army - 1985 Gib Schafer
- 1984 Dr. James T. Robinson, Jr.
- 1983 Norris Class - Professor, University of Southern California
- 1982 Kansas Retired Teachers Association & Kansas Association of Retired Persons
- 1980 Wichita & Kansas City Chapters Alumni Chapter of Delta
- 1979 Jack Shanahan
- 1978 Women's Auxiliary of the KOA
- 1975 Harold Varnes - Lions Club: Kansas Vision Committee Dr. Jean Pyfer
- 1971 Sister Sibyllina Mueller
- 1970 Dr. Richard Watson - Kansas State College of Pittsburg
Mrs. B.B. 'Tess' Sullivan - AOA Auxiliary President
Marie MacDonald - Wichita Eagle Beacon